Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

ZBrush GoZ to Maya 2015 issues solution (by Ryan Flynn)

In 2010, I was posted a tutorial that's about how to solve ZBrush GoZ to Maya issues(like launching multiple instances of maya).

Recently, I receive a nice mail from Ryan Flynn. He was shared me a workflow how to solve GoZ to Maya 2015 issue. And a great thing is that he is willing to let me share his workflow to everyone.

Thanks Ryan Flynn!
By Ryan Flynn

 Happy ZBrushing! :)

Friday, September 5, 2014


一開始是零散在各處互不相關,但累積到一定程度後,原先看似不相關的彼此卻又一一串接起來,路就因此浮現了出來。真叫人感到欣慰。 :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

NOX Renderer

OX physically based renderer, fully integrated with Blender and 3ds Max (and with C4D support) is now Open Source. We release it on Apache license - free to commercial use and modifications.
You can freely improve and modify this render engine, integrate it with any 3d software, write plugins for NOX, use it in your commercial works and / or sell it. The possibilities are endless and depend only on you.
Main features of NOX:
  • physical based engine
  • enhanced postprocesing
  • rendering to layers
  • real and fake dof
  • instancing and displacement
  • subsurface scattering

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


This is an old Japanese movie, but I'm so like "Departures", and so like this song, too. :)

Joe Hisaishi London Symphonic Orchestra Melodyphony:

Friday, May 30, 2014


The hair shading work still in progress. I will add more color variation and some facial expressions in the next update.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

SHERLOCK WIP skin update

Sherlock skin wip.
Only one color map, one displacement map and one area light.
Still need tweak a lot, and I also want to adjust his hair, too.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


It's a long time no post my personal work here.

In the past year, I was supported a pipeline development team to test and improve the workflow for our company. Most works are about some technical stuff.

I also do some works about 2d comic character to 3d cg character.

So, now. I think it's time to post my latest personal work.

This is my new personal project: "SHERLOCK". It's still work in progress, and lot of things need to tweak. But I hope you like it. :)





Thursday, February 20, 2014

ys_GoZPlus update


I receive some feedback in the past few weeks. Now It's time to make a new update for this script.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


2014/02/20 ys_GoZPlus v.2.0 update

Hi, there.

If you like GoZ but don't like it change your shader/vertex normal every time. Maybe you can try this little script tool, ys_GoZPlus.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Alles Im Fluss

Alles Im Fluss provides workflow technology to aid subdivision modelling. At the core lie mechanisms to easily draw polygon strips and filling sections. The tools provide you with control to refine the surface flow.

Friday, January 17, 2014

VFX behind the scenes: "Pacific Rim" Hong Kong battle

Awesome dumb robot movie......Ahhh    Pacific Rim VFX behind the scenes.

"Pacific Rim" Hong Kong battle