Today, Pixologic was released ZBrush3.5 for windows!
ZBrush 3.5 includes many new features and improvements:
ZSpheres 2 and ZSketch;
Surface noise;
Brush noise;
Improved LazyMouse with Backtrack and Snap to Track modes;
New brushes such as Trim, Planar, Noise, Move, Spherical, Slide, Form, Flakes, Crumple and more;
New Brush Depth Masking to give complete brush control on a surface;
New MatCap materials for ZSpheres 2/ZSketch mode;
Gradient PolyPaint;
Each Subtool can now have it's own Texture, Displacement, and Normal Map Enhanced;
displacement and normal map options such as native export of 32-bit displacement maps, High-Definition Displacement, Normal, and Texture maps from HD geometry;
Improved perspective with a floor grid ;
Reorganization of the Tool sub-palettes to coordinate with selected SubTools;
Ability to merge all visible SubTools and optionally weld the seams;
New PUVTiles mapping method, which represents the most efficient use of UV space yet;
PolyPainting accuracy has increased from 8 to 16 bit;
Mesh masking has increased from 8 to 16 bit;
New Gradient polypainting option to give a dynamic transition between colors;
New navigation to work with the virtually unlimited zooming;
Right-Click Navigation;
New sliders added to Project All, providing more control over your results;
Memory management enhancements give the capability to subdivide your models to higher polygon counts;
New ambient occlusion masking, which can create an AO texture for use in other applications;
Improved export/import options with the capability to import and export Maya .ma file format with automatic setup of shading network for Texture, Displacement and Normal mapping (This feature is a part of the GoZ system. The full GoZ implementation will be included in the next update );
Fast local access to ZBrush files with the new LightBox browser (the full version of LightBox will be included in ZBrush 4) ;
...and many more enhancements and optimizations throughout ZBrush.
And there are some videos that about ZSpheres 2, Surface Noise, Planer and Trim Brushes in the ZClassroom, dont lose it!
I can't wait to experience it! ^ ^
Pixologic 今天終於釋出ZBrush3.5啦!(for windows版)
這次的新版本多了許多的新功能與改進的地方,目前還未真正摸到,所以不敢妄下定論。不過幾個令我比較興奮的就是HD Geometry的細節可以轉成貼圖了!還有就是ZSphere2、新的Brushes、GoZ的嚐鮮版等。
總之就是超期待!^ ^
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