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Pixologic was announced the release of UV Master.
With UV Master , you can quickly create high quality and artist-friendly UV maps. It's as simple as 1-2-3
1. Select your model's lowest subdivision level.
2. Click UV Master's Unwrap button.
3. Actually, there is no step 3. You're done!
UV Master will unwrap your model's UVs in a way that's easily understood by the human eye and without texture distortion. It's incredibly fast, with results so clean that you can paint on the unwrapped model in a 2D image editor of your choice. (This includes ZBrush's 2.5D canvas.)
UV Master was also built with several innovative features to help control its automated UV creation. It can:
Use your model's polygroups to create UV islands. In this way you can for example unwrap the face separately from the rest of the body. Or have different texture space for the inner and outer surfaces.
Use Control Painting to protect parts of the model from UV seams and attract them toward places where they'll be out of sight. For example, a couple brush strokes can move the unwrap seams to a model's back where they will be out of sight. This is ideal for normal maps, which are typically very sensitive to UV seams.
You can also use Control Painting to change how the UVs make use of the available texture space. If your model's face is where most of the detail needs to be, a single stroke with the paint brush can tell UV Master to give it more texture pixels.
UV Master can even combine any or all of these options, giving you remarkable control while saving hours of tedious work. UV Master will free you from the labor of creating UVs, giving you more time to release the Artist inside you and focus on your sculpting and texturing!
That's really incredible!! Really fast and intuitive to use that!^ ^
Pixologic公佈ZBrush3.5r3的新plugin:UV Master。
本來今天下班回到家已經10點多,不大想再用電腦作些其他事,結果上網逛逛卻發現這個令人驚艷的東西,又害我不得閒。^ ^
初步看起來,非常之方便且快速,尤其針對有機體模型更是直覺式操作,很讚!基本上若不是非常講究的話幾乎都是一鍵完成。^ ^不過在測試一下時發現有些時候UV 的seam不大容易控制,不過我並沒有花時間細看這個plugin,之後有空的話再來研究看看。
基本上可以看出未來的方向都逐漸傾向是希望畫texture的工作不要再到Photoshop中去製作了,而是都在3D軟體中直觀性地完成這項作業,未來若能夠徹底解決UV seam的問題時,UV將不再是製作上的一項障礙了。
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